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A Voice Control that Puts Security First has security features to protect your privacy at home.

How Protects Your Smart Home and Your Privacy

When smart home technology and voice assistants first hit the markets, early adopters rushed to the stores to be the first to take advantage of this new way of living. But, as the tools became more mainstream and found in more homes, concerns about security and privacy began to surface. Users became suspicious that they were being spied on and that their information was being sold to third parties for marketing purposes.

Not all smart home technology tools are the same, and not all can be trusted. So, when asked about voice control options, we recommend because we know the benefits of simplifying your smart home experience with voice commands. We also know the extreme emphasis places on security. We want our clients to know that we work with trustworthy companies that will safeguard their personal data.

Continue reading to learn more about’s security standards and how they prioritize your home’s privacy in Chagrin Falls, OH.

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Security Protocols integrates with and delivers information to other smart home apps to execute voice commands. To communicate between devices, it’s paramount that follow a strict security protocol to protect your data and maintain your privacy. The platform offers safeguards to prevent unauthorized access and ensure confidentiality, including user authentication and encryption of shared information.

Voice Recognition

A core feature of is its ability to recognize your voice. Voice recognition information is processed within your home and never leaves the premises, minimizing the risk of interception or unauthorized use. Local processing keeps your data safe and increases response times to provide a seamless and efficient smart home experience.

Data Encryption

As mentioned earlier, integrates with various other applications to execute your voice commands. All communications between your devices are encrypted to protect them from hackers. In addition to this, any data collected or stored by, like your preferences or patterns, are kept anonymous so they cannot be tied back to you. This step is performed to ensure with extra measure that your privacy will be maintained even in the event of a security breach.

Continuously Updating is committed to staying one step ahead of security threats, providing regular security updates to maintain a standard level of protection. These updates address potential vulnerabilities and offer new features and enhancements to your system. The security team stays on top of emerging security trends and collaborates across the industry to ensure that your smart home tools remain protected from threats.

Not all smart home companies have a reputation for the same security excellence we’ve found with We feel confident recommending this voice control to our customers in Chagrin Falls, OH, and surrounding areas because we know they’re dedicated to providing a secure solution for homeowners like you.

Contact us today to learn more about voice control and how it can elevate your smart home experiences.

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